مونتيسوري مصر- تقدمها مروة رخا

Recorded Advice: Fat cute funny but always a brother never a lover

hi, i dnt want to give u a hrad time so i will go straight to the point but the only problem here is that i dnt knw wats my problem i simply dnt get it i just watched u on tv on “dream tv” and i felt that i want to write to you i just felt that expressing to u how do i feel may help, if u realy get this message plz give it a try and help me plz, i am an egyptian guy turning 21 next saturday
i lived all my childhood in saudi arabia i had the life style u watch in a typical american tv series everything was bright and easy i was never the star of my friends but i was the “fat cute” funny guy that everyone luved, i used to luv one of my friends so much but it was one side luv so it never workd suddenly it was cllg time i had to move to egypt and u can say my misery started here,

everything is different and strange i am studying engineering in AAST “alexandria” and i am nt doing well in cllg coz it wasnt realy my choice to be an engineer anyhow long story short i met a girl in cllg and i luved here so much i tried to change everything abt me just to make her happy but i enterd her best friend zone so to her i was the guy she would later come and tell him that she is inlove with some other guy and ask for advice although she knew i have feeling for here, after 4 yrs i cnt fully get over her and i cnt move on with my life , i even cant pass in cllg although i am average igcse student so i am nt realy that bad thats it for me i see everyone moving on with life and i am stuck in my place i would to listen to ur advice if u can offer any.
thx a million times if u realy read this message and goodluck in ur life u seem to be a good person.






من هي مروة رخا؟
مروة رخا: موجهة مونتيسوري معتمدة دولياً من الميلاد حتى 12 عام. Marwa Rakha: Internationally certified Montessori educator from birth to 12 years.

بدأت “مروة رخا” رحلتها مع “نهج وفلسفة المونتيسوري” في نهاية عام 2011 بقراءة كتب “د. ماريا مونتيسوري” عن الطفل والبيئة الغنية التي يحتاجها لينمو ويزدهر. تلت القراءة الحرة دراسة متعمقة للفلسفة والمنهج مع مركز أمريكا الشمالية للمونتيسوري

“North American Montessori Center”