مونتيسوري مصر- تقدمها مروة رخا

Montessori Egypt: Who is Marwa Rakha?

Having the skills as a marketer, instructor, and writer, Marwa Rakha reinvented herself after she became a mother, and launched her new career as a Montessori educator and guide in Egypt.

Montessori Egypt: Who is Marwa Rakha?

للغة العربية اضغط هنا

Marwa Rakha was born in October 1974. She graduated the Faculty of Al-Alsun, majoring in English literature, in 1996.

Furthermore, Rakha has explored a variety of careers; marketing and public relations in the hospitality industry, teaching as a free-lance instructor at the school of continuing education within the American University in Cairo, and freelancing as a trainer with leading training and consulting institutions.

موقع مروة رخا يقدم لكم ثروة من المقالات والفيديوهات المجانية عن تربية الاطفال وفلسفة المونتيسوري والعلاقات العاطفية والحياة الصحية.
Marwarakha.com – Articles, Shows, and Books about Montessori, Parenting, Relationships, and Well-being.

The Relationships & Dating Writer

In 2005, Marwa Rakha began blogging and writing for (In)Sight Magazine under alias Jennifer Anderson.

Upon mustering her courage, by 2007, Rakha dropped the alias and began writing using her real name and identity for a variety of publications. In the same year, she made her first appearance as a “relationships and dating” writer in a weekly segment on OTV.

Egypt’s “agony aunt” continued to write about love, dating relationships, taboos, and social issues until recently.

Montessori Egypt

Having the skills as a marketer, instructor, and writer, Marwa Rakha reinvented herself after she became a mother, and launched her new career as a Montessori educator and guide in Egypt. The “Montessori in Egypt” journey began in 2011 by devouring Dr. Maria Montessori’s books about the Secret of Childhood, the Discovery of the Child, the Absorbent Mind, and Dr. Montessori’s Handbook.

The Montessori Diplomas

Montessori Diplomas

In the years to come, Marwa Rakha studied with the North American Montessori Center and earned the following diplomas:

Infant/Toddler Montessori Diploma (0-3)

Early Childhood Montessori Diploma (3-6)

Lower Elementary Montessori Diploma (6-9)

Upper Elementary Montessori Diploma (9-12)

The Courses – Montessori Egypt

With the goal of sharing her knowledge, Montessori Egypt offers a plethora of educational articles for parents and teachers to help them create an experience-rich child-friendly environment, as well as online Montessori Courses:

1- Online Montessori Course from Birth to Three Years

2- Online Montessori Course from 3-6 Years

3- Online Montessori Course from 6-9 Years

4- Online Montessori Course from 9-12 Years

5- The More Important than Montessori Course

6- Sexual Education from Birth Until the End of Puberty Using the Montessori Philosophy

7- Homeschooling and Montessori Egypt Support Group

The Support Group

As a homeschooler herself, in May 2020, Marwa Rakha started a paid support group for homeschoolers in Egypt and for those who are keen about learning the Montessori philosophy and child development from birth until the age of twelve.

The group currently has more than 150 videos to support parents during their journey.

The Montessori Egypt Sexual Education Course

Working with Love Matters Egypt has enriched Rakha’s knowledge of sexual health and sexual rights. Using that knowledge, she created an online course to guide parents in the sexual education journey of their children until the end of puberty.

The Books

كتب مروة رخا باللغة الإنجليزية واللغة العربية، وكذلك الكتب المجانية ستجدونها هنا. في 2008 نشرت دار ملامح كتاب The Poison Tree - Planted & Grown in Egypt. في 2020 نشرت دار العين كتاب أنا وآدم والمونتيسوري وفي نفس العام نشرت دار عالية كتاب أنا أستحق الحب للأطفال.

As a published author, Rakha’s first book: The Poison Tree – Planted & Grown in Egypt was published in 2008. (Free PDF – Free Audio).

Moreover, in 2019, Dar Al Ain published her second book: “Adam and I and Montessori”, and in the same year Alia Publishing House published her third book: “I Deserve to Be Loved”.

In addition to the previous books, Marwa Rakha published two free children’s books. They can be downloaded here and here.

In September 2023, the first interactive book about sexual education in Arabic was published as a web app, desktop app, and mobile app.

Followed by the first Montessori-inspired interactive sexual education book in English titled “Cabbage Patch Baby”

Marwa Rakha's Interactive Books
Marwa Rakha’s Interactive Books

Bridge the Gap

Still hoping to support more parents and children, in July 2020, Marwa Rakha published a unique yet free product to help parents bond with their children and mend their relationship.

Translating into the noun “bridges”, “Josoor” is a set of cards that the parents print. Later on, they choose a card per week to implement with the child. Each card offers a simple and guided step to bridge the gap between parents and children.

Montessori Egypt: The Parenting Encyclopedia

In March 2023, Marwa Rakha issued a free online parenting encyclopedia: Montessori Egypt: The Parenting Encyclopedia.

Here is a list of the sections:

موقع مروة رخا يقدم لكم ثروة من المقالات والفيديوهات المجانية عن تربية الاطفال وفلسفة المونتيسوري والعلاقات العاطفية والحياة الصحية.
Montessori Egypt: A Wealth of Parenting Articles and Videos.

ما هي موسوعة مونتيسوري مصر؟

المونتيسوري وفلسفته

تنمية مهارات الطفل والتعليم الأكاديمي

الأمومة والأبوة

علاقة الأهل بالطفل

عن الحضانات ورفضي لها – على الأقل أول ثلاث سنوات

مقالات في صميم التربية

مقالات عن الكتب والقراءة

حماية الطفل والتربية الجنسية

الطفل والاحتياجات الخاصة وصعوبات التعلم

الطفل الرضيع

Homeschooling Egypt – التعليم المنزلي – مصر

فقرات تليفزيونية عن التربية والمونتيسوري

In April 2023, the author shared with her readers her 12-year Montessori and homeschooling experience in English and in Arabic.

Hello Perimenopause!

The initiative is in Arabic, but it could be translated into "Your well-being is all that matters, darling!"

In May 2023, Rakha launched another free initiative – an education series about women’s health and well-being after 40.

Being peri-menopausal herself, she realized that this huge segment of women is marginalized. It is a though they no longer mattered once with were no longer of child-bearing age.

The initiative is in Arabic, but it could be translated into “Your well-being is all that matters, darling!”

من هي مروة رخا؟
مروة رخا: موجهة مونتيسوري معتمدة دولياً من الميلاد حتى 12 عام. Marwa Rakha: Internationally certified Montessori educator from birth to 12 years.

بدأت “مروة رخا” رحلتها مع “نهج وفلسفة المونتيسوري” في نهاية عام 2011 بقراءة كتب “د. ماريا مونتيسوري” عن الطفل والبيئة الغنية التي يحتاجها لينمو ويزدهر. تلت القراءة الحرة دراسة متعمقة للفلسفة والمنهج مع مركز أمريكا الشمالية للمونتيسوري

“North American Montessori Center”