مونتيسوري مصر- تقدمها مروة رخا


If you decided to give up being a parrot that mimics the sounds of it's surroundings!

If you decided to use that head on top of your neck instead of blindly following other heads!

If you decided to give up bleeping among a herd of sheep …. then read on!


Let's assume that we have real elections.
Let's assume that candidates are free to be nominated.
Let's assume that we are allowed to vote.
Let's also assume that before we vote, we get to see real live debates where each candidate actually discusses his electoral program and his opponent tries to refute him/her using logic not bullying and high school defamation!
Let's assume that Nawal El Saadawy is running for Presidency in 2011!

Yes! Why not? Here are the reasons why I give her my full support

1) She is Egyptian; 100% Egyptian. She was born in Kafr Tahla village and led the life of an ordinary lower middle class Egyptian girl.

2) She knows the "good girl" unspoken code, the failing traditions, and the pressure of living in a patriarchal society.

3) She made it to Cairo University and studied medicine.

4) She had more aspirations; continued her studies in Columbia University.

5) Her eagerness for knowledge is unquenchable; she studied psychiatry later on in Ain Shams University.

So far this makes her a hard working woman who found her way out of the village. Through her writings, she fought

6) female genital mutilation (FGM)

7) disfiguring newly born males (male circumcision)

8) violence against women in all its forms; emotional abuse, verbal manipulation, or actual physical violence

9) child abuse that starts with children born outside of wedlock

10) all forms of hypocrisy in the name of religion

11) the notion of turning religion into a series of void rituals

12) politicizing God

13) commercializing religion

14) auctioning heaven and hell and the afterlife

15) oppressing women in the name of God

This makes her a hero; an enlightened soldier fighting the forces of darkness

16) She lost her job in 1972, in the Egyptian Ministry of Health because of her book "Women and Sex"

17) The magazine Health, which she founded and had edited for more than three years, was closed down in 1973.

18) In September 1981 President Sadat put her in prison. She was released at the end of November 1981, two months after his assassination.

19) From 1988 to 1993 her name was on death lists issued by fanatical religious political organizations.

20) On 15 June, 1991, the government issued a decree which closed down the Arab Women's Solidarity Association over which she presides and handed over its funds to the association called Women in Islam.

21) Six months before this decree the government closed down the magazine Noon, published by the Arab Women's Solidarity Association. She was editor-in-chief of the magazine.

22) During the summer of 2001, three of her books were banned at Cairo International Book Fair.

23) She was accused of apostasy in 2002 by a fundamentalist lawyer who raised a court case against her to be forcibly divorced from her husband, Dr. Sherif Hetata.

24) On 28 January, 2007, Nawal El Saadawi and her daughter Mona Helmy, a poet and writer, were accused of apostasy

25) Because of her play "God Resigns At the Summit Meeting", Al Azhar, in February 2007, accused her of apostasy and heresy.

This is a woman who has been imprisoned, exiled, threatened, and bullied into silence – but she never caved in. Nawal El Saadawy is a woman who abides by an intimidation-proof code of ethics.

26) She has contributed more than 40 publications that include short stories, novels, plays, scientific papers, and nonfiction books

27) Her books were translated into more than 30 languages all over the world, and some of them are taught in a number of universities in different countries.

28) She has been invited as a guest professor in universities around the globe

29) Her work and dedication awarded her many accolades, honorary doctorates, and literary awards.

30) She came back to Egypt in September 2009. Nawal El Saadawy now is launching the Global Solidarity for Secular Society initiative.

And I am saying she should run for president.

I grew up hearing that she was crazy.

Her name had an outcast stigma associated with it.

I outgrew their words

as I read hers

and I realized that

she is now

where I want to be in 150 years!

They told her: "You are a savage and dangerous woman."
She replied: "I am speaking the truth. And the truth is savage and dangerous."


If you decided to give up being a parrot that mimics the sounds of it's surroundings!

If you decided to use that head on top of your neck instead of blindly following other heads!

If you decided to give up bleeping among a herd of sheep …. then here are some of her books! 

And HERE is her interview

حوار نوال السعداوى فى برنامج بدون رقابة

مذكرات طبيبة

مذكراتي في سجن النساء

حنان قليل

لحظة صدق

جنات وأبليس

موت الرجل الوحيد على الارض

الاغنية الدائرية


المرأه والدين والأخلاق

المرأة و الصراع النفسي

المرأة والغربة

الحب فى زمن النفط

الحاكم بأمر الله

الاله يقدم استقالته

المرأه والجنس


من هي مروة رخا؟
مروة رخا: موجهة مونتيسوري معتمدة دولياً من الميلاد حتى 12 عام. Marwa Rakha: Internationally certified Montessori educator from birth to 12 years.

بدأت “مروة رخا” رحلتها مع “نهج وفلسفة المونتيسوري” في نهاية عام 2011 بقراءة كتب “د. ماريا مونتيسوري” عن الطفل والبيئة الغنية التي يحتاجها لينمو ويزدهر. تلت القراءة الحرة دراسة متعمقة للفلسفة والمنهج مع مركز أمريكا الشمالية للمونتيسوري

“North American Montessori Center”