Hi Marwa, Hope this message finds you well ,this is the 2nd message regarding same guy yesterday he talked with me about sharing with him in home monthly expenses as follows : for example he takes X and i take Y we put X+Y then save part of it thn pay the essential items (electricity,water,..etc….after tht remain the rest for both of us)(Question is raised here: Is ths too early ?!) 1-Personally quest.: I need yr opinion ?! 2-General question: Wt about Women to share and does sharing mean to put all her salary ?! if yes wt is the best way to handle it ? يعنى بالمختصر المفيد الحياة هتمشى إزى و هل الموضوع دة هيفقده رجولته قدامى ؟؟؟ N.B: I’ll let him listen to yr reply.