How many times did you sin?


Let me rephrase that – How many times did you sin against yourself?

If you score more than 10 points – and you do not do anything about it – then you are already living in hell – and will die there!

Did you ever

1. Stay in the wrong relationship with the wrong person for the wrong reasons? (Double the sin if you are still there)

2. Stay in the wrong career with the wrong company for the wrong reasons? (Double the sin if you are still there)

3. Stay in bed all day wishing you were dead – more than 3 times in your life time?

4. Stay in the car underneath someone's home hoping that they would notice you? (Double the sin if you do that and you are over 21)

5. Stay in someone's life knowing that they did not care? (Double the sin if that is a pattern in your life)

6. Stay in someone's life knowing that they did not want you? (Double the sin if that is a pattern in your life)

7. Invite negative thoughts into your life?

8. Invite despair into your heart?

9. Invite deceit into your relationships?

10. Invite hypocrisy into your decisions and actions? (Double the sin if you make others do that too)

11. Welcome fear instead of courage?

12. Welcome anger instead of forgiveness?

13. Welcome revenge instead of faith?

14. Welcome envy instead of inner-strength?

15. Allow someone to make you cry – more than once? (Double the sin if that person is still in your life)

16. Allow someone to carve hole into your self-esteem? (Double the sin if that person is still in your life)

17. Allow someone to deprive you of inner peace? (Double the sin if that person is still in your life)

18. Allow someone to derail you from your goals – even once?

19. Allow someone to rain on your parade – several times?

20. Cut a part of your body in the name of beauty, fashion, chastity, or religion?

21. Cut a part of someone else's body in the name of beauty, fashion, chastity, or religion?

22. Cut a family tie in the name of loyalty to someone else?

23. Make someone choose between you and his/her parents, kids, or friends?

24. Make someone quit his or her job/ education?

25. Make someone do anything against their God-given free will? (Double the sin if you think it is wise)

26. Make fun of someone who was just like you to gain someone else's approval?

27. Make fun of someone who was not like you just because you could not accept them being different? (Double the sin if you made fun of someone's color, figure, race, religion, or sexual orientation)

28. Lie to yourself? (Double the sin if it is a habit)

29. Refuse to listen to your gut feeling? (Double the sin if you got married as a result)

30. Waste your talent and watch it die? (Double the sin if you do not know what your talents are)

31. Try to control someone else's life in the name of love, protection, or parenthood? (Double the sin if you do not know why it is a sin)

32. Jeopardize your self-respect, dignity, or pride in the name of society, love, or business? (No matter how many times you double the sin … you can never get back what you threw away)

33. Jeopardize someone's life – born or unborn – because of your driving, drinking, smoking, or any of your personal habits? (Double the sin if you do not know the boundaries of your personal freedom)

34. Abuse your power over someone? Force them to say or do something because you had the upper hand? (Double the sin if it makes you laugh)

35. Abuse your intelligence, status, or position? Hurt people in the process? (Double the sin if you brag about it)

36. Say "I told you so" to someone when you were proven right?

37. Say "it's your fault" to someone when you knew that you were wrong?

38. Say "yes" when you should have said "no"?

39. Say "no" when you should have said "yes"?

40. Say "screw it" when you should have said "I am sorry"?

41. Say "I am sorry" when you should have said "F-off"?

42. Say "I hate you" when you should have said "I love you"?

43. Believe someone who told you that you are ugly?

44. Believe someone who told you that you are not worthy of being loved?

45. Believe someone who told you that you will always be a failure?

46. Believe someone who told you that you will be a horrible parent?

47. Believe someone who told you that you are not a good enough partner?

48. Give someone the power to hurt you?

49. Give someone a valid reason to hurt you?

50. Give up on a dream? Give up on the future? Give up on yourself?

من هي مروة رخا؟
مروة رخا: موجهة مونتيسوري معتمدة دولياً من الميلاد حتى 12 عام. Marwa Rakha: Internationally certified Montessori educator from birth to 12 years.

بدأت “مروة رخا” رحلتها مع “نهج وفلسفة المونتيسوري” في نهاية عام 2011 بقراءة كتب “د. ماريا مونتيسوري” عن الطفل والبيئة الغنية التي يحتاجها لينمو ويزدهر. تلت القراءة الحرة دراسة متعمقة للفلسفة والمنهج مع مركز أمريكا الشمالية للمونتيسوري

“North American Montessori Center”